
What is Narcissism

Lets start with what it means then we'll see what can cause it. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, narcissism refers to someone who is egocentric (caring too much about yourself and not about other people), and has love of or sexual desire of one’s body. A narcissist sees himself as perfect which prompts them to look at others with a distorted view. This makes them scorn people to increase their sense of self importance. They use this to manipulate people. Is being a narcissist good? For you to know the answer, you need to know what narcissistic people do.

Narcissistic people have some of the behaviours highlighted below.

1. They are usually bossy with a high sense of self importance. They see others as less important and only view them as an entity to satisfy themselves.

2. They take advantage of others just to help themselves achieve a goal, or to benefit themselves.

3. They envy others or believe others are envious of them.

4. They talk about themselves all the time. They want others to appreciate them more than normal so they tend to talk about themselves almost every time just to show their importance.

5. They love to show off their rule breaking ability. They want to break rules without getting punished for it.

6. They expect everything to be good for them, and if its not good, they throw blame on just about anybody they can just to feel better than them.

Why am I discussing narcissism today? Many people who are narcissistic don’t know that they are. They seem to do have mood swings, and try to be manipulative

What Causes Narcissism 

Many people who are narcissistic could have gone through a childhood that has been scrutinized by their parents or those who experienced poor nurturing from the parent particularly from the mother. The actions of the parents affect the growth of sense of feeling and that would make the persons. A lady who was a narcissist experienced different thing during her childhood. Her dad left the family, making her feel like she was the cause of the father leaving. Her mother, didn’t care about her so she was abused at a young age. While she was growing up, she always felt the need to be loved. Always wanted to be appreciated for the things she did. She would be angry if she was not told she was beautiful or if she was rejected in any kind of way. She kept up this act for long, causing problems for different people. To her, she wasn’t doing anything bad. After a while, that she saw a therapist, the was able to subdue it.

Narcissism is one behaviour that can cause a drift in friendship. It can frustrate a relationship and can erode the happiness of the other party. Many people think there is no need to see a therapist when facing such issues. It is important to note that narcissists have an unhealthy view of themselves internally and could commit violent acts when they’re either not appreciated or loved. The major help they can receive would be from a therapist  it is important that when such is noticed, they should be taken to a therapist to help curb such condition.


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