
What is Narcissism Lets start with what it means then we'll see what can cause it. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, narcissism refers to someone who is egocentric (caring too much about yourself and not about other people), and has love of or sexual desire of one’s body. A narcissist sees himself as perfect which prompts them to look at others with a distorted view. This makes them scorn people to increase their sense of self importance. They use this to manipulate people. Is being a narcissist good? For you to know the answer, you need to know what narcissistic people do. Narcissistic people have some of the behaviours highlighted below. 1. They are usually bossy with a high sense of self importance. They see others as less important and only view them as an entity to satisfy themselves. 2. They take advantage of others just to help themselves achieve a goal, or to benefit themselves. 3. They envy others or believe others are envious of them. 4. ...