Stress Management

While I’m not a doctor or medical practitioner of any kind, there are some things I’ve could out through reading, listening and observations. I’ve learned about somethings that people experience that they don’t know about, or they know about but don’t understand properly, like today’s topic for example. What is Stress According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc or something that cause feelings of worry or anxiety. The things that cause stress are called stressors. There are different types of stressors. They basically depend on what is experienced by the person. There are physical stressors, which affect the physical aspect of the body from body pains to bone ache, muscle pain etc. These pain experience could be as a result of the workload put on the body. Working the body too much for too long could cause this form of stress. It can make it hard for one to perform some basic operations lat...