Jealousy in relationships

JEALOUSY Today’s discuss takes us to Jealousy. Jealousy is one of the few things that frustrate a relationship. Depending on how your type of jealousy, your relationship can last or end abruptly. Why is the discussion of jealousy important? A young man saw his girlfriend talking with another young man freely. He could see her smiling with this young man something she had reduced when with him. ‘Maybe it is this guy’s influence that is making my girlfriend act up’ was what was running through his head. He then moved to face this guy to show that the young man was trespassing on his territory. He shoved his girlfriend to one side when she tried talking to him about the issue. A young lady sees her boyfriend talking to another lady. She could see he is enjoying her company, smiling, maintaining eye contact while they spoke to themselves. The lady pulls her hair back while the young man was talking to her and she thinks ‘is she trying to seduce my boyfriend?’ She walks up to the ...