Worry Management


I’m seated at this table, thinking about how and what I would write. I didn’t know what to write about or how I’ll go about writing it. Confused, tired, and feeling stressed with my head aching, then I thought about writing what’s happening to me, the same thing that happens to many people. Worry.
Many people worry. In fact almost everyone worry. Worry is an uneasy feeling caused by thoughts of what will happen if this or that is done. Worry doesn’t make one look at how a problem would be solved, instead, one keeps looking at the possible outcomes of a certain decision taken. This can cause stress. As it can cause physical stress, it can also cause mental stress. Having these kind of stress can affect the way our day can be. One can be affected physically also, displaying symptoms of what happened to me earlier, tiredness, confusion.

When you worry, it affects your reaction to certain actions. Let me use myself as an example. While being worried about what to write about and how to go about the writing, I developed a tiredness that didn’t make me think, a confusion that affected what I felt was right. If I had let it foster, I could have fallen into deep worry which could’ve been excessive. Excessive worry could affect one’s life as it could make someone lose sleep. Losing sleep too could cause worry, so when you worry and lose sleep, which causes an added worry, there could be problem as one might not be able to concentrate on regular activities, or even carry them out properly. Excessive worry could also affect productivity.

How do I manage worry?

As I said before, worry is normal, but it is not good when you let it foster and develop into excessive worry. To manage worry and prevent it from becoming excessive, there are some things that should be done.

1. The first thing in solving any problem is getting the root  a use of the problem. So when tackling worry, you need to know the root cause of your worry. I could have identified the root cause of my worrying asking myself questions like: could I be worried because I’m scared if my piece would be relevant enough or am I worried that people would not key into my point of view? So always try to identify the root cause of your worry.

2. After knowing the root cause, you need to take action. Taking action could be trying to find solution to the task at hand or making sure not to think about the problem for the time at hand. Being proactive can really help one in this regard. When you’re proactive, sometimes your mind is on what you’re doing which sometimes help to dissipate worry. If action is not taken at your worrying situation, it could lead to excessive worry. Remember, you need to take action.

3. Accepting Uncertainty is the next step. Uncertainty is normal. The fact that we don’t know what would happen later today or tomorrow is always a cause of worry for some people. Allowing that affect the way they carry on their activity. Accepting uncertainty makes one know that anything can happen, either good or bad. So why disturb yourself over things you can’t control. Accepting uncertainty is a way to help you reduce the way you worry.

4. Have a positive mindset. Worry most times stem from being pessimistic about a certain situation. You’re scared of what might happen. Having a positive mindset though, is different. It is almost the opposite if not, of the root cause of worry. When having a positive mindset, your mind is focused on the good that will come out of a situation. This helps to reduce the effect of you worrying about such situation.

5. Manage your time well (I should discuss time management more in the next article). Time management is not easy, we all know we have 24 hours in a day. In each hour, there is 60 minutes, and each minutes contain 60 seconds. So in a day, we have about 86,400 seconds or 1,440 minutes. It might seem big, but really time waits for no one. Having a schedule that you do well to follow would take your mind off what is worrying you.

6. Try to sleep well. Many times, people lose sleep because of worry. When you make it your aim to have a good sleep routine, along with a good time schedule, you worry less daily. Sleep is very important to avoid one for worry for longer periods. So the aim should be not to lose sleep.

7. Stop worrying about what the future holds. We can’t control what we don’t know, so why worry about the future. We don’t know what will happen in the future, so worrying about it won’t be helpful as there is always a future. If we start worrying about what we can’t change, we might end up hurting yourself mentally.

So to reduce worry, these steps are required. Following them could help you alleviate worry that causes stress. Have a fun filled day.

By the way, a friend of mine is running a business mastery class on WhatsApp. You get to understand the forces that affect business and know how to influence them to suit your customer needs thereby making your business take quantum leaps. Whatever your business is, taking this master class can help boost your business. For further enquiries on how to register for the program, you can call the number +2348179557249


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