
In our discussion yesterday, I said today’s discuss would centre on attitude. Attitude like other personality traits can define who someone is. Some people actually do not know what kind of attitude they have, so I’ll discuss it today for you to know the one you have and the one that its better to have. Attitude is one of the things that can get you through life. So what are the major type of attitudes.
While today’s discuss won’t be a long one, I will try to explain this attitudes for you to understand.
1. Positive attitude
2. Negative attitude

1. Positive attitude: According to the name, this form of attitude deals with positivity. It hinges on having a positive mindset. A positive attitude moves one to always be positive towards situations. For example, someone positive would look for the good in others even when they display some of their bad behaviors. It breeds confidence and happiness along with determination to do well. Attitude sometimes is not automatic. A positive attitude is driven by positive thinking. Thinking positively can manipulate your attitude towards people. You get to want to be good with people so you always look for ways to display a good attitude. While some people tend to act in a certain way because of experiences faced, it is important to note that a positive attitude can be developed. Just like mindset, you develop a positive attitude by focusing on the good things. Accepting failures can be a factor as accepting failures makes us move forward. Moving forward this lets us look at the good in every situation.
So how can one develop a positive attitude?
How you start your day mostly determines how your day would be. So it’s important to start your day well. That would help you to have a positive attitude throughout the day.
After starting your day right, try to carry that happiness throughout the day.
Occasionally think of a past happening that would make you smile. Smiling is known to boost emotions. So when you smile, a positive attitude is not far off.
Positive mindset. A positive mindset transcends to a positive attitude. When thinking positively about certain situations, you react better to those situations.
Focus on the good of people. No matter the bad done by someone, having a view of positivity would help have a positive attitude.
Reduce the way you complain. To do this, you should remove yourself from situations that can cause you to complain. You can also change the topic of discussion or offer a solution to the problem. If that can’t be done, you accept there’s nothing that can be done about it and move on.
Stop expecting an easy treatment. When you have little expectations, you don’t really get disappointed. This way you’ll be enthusiastic about your work without expecting a simple treatment.
Always respect other people’s opinion. As we all have different ways of viewing things, accepting the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinions would limit you seeing problems in what people do.
Always mingle with positive people. When you do this, you get to want to be positive. They imprint that positivity on you and that helps you always want to stay positive.

2. Negative attitude: Like a bad tyre, a negative attitude can get you nowhere. A negative attitude is the opposite of having a positive attitude. Though having a bad attitude doesn’t make you a bad person, it limits the way people would interact with you. People mostly want to be around positively minded people so when those with negative attitude are seen, they tend to give distance to these people. Those with negative attitude tend to display anger, frustration, and doubt in people. These minor attitudes push people away. It can lead to loneliness. Recall that when someone feels lonely for too long, it can lead to depression and that can be dangerous.

Having a positive attitude can make us successful or not. Success is determined by the attitude to it. Either the problems or the enjoyment. Remember not to expect everything to be easy. Having a positive attitude will help us.


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