The hunt movie review

A movie centered on the elite taking down the deplorable would always attract high expectation, and the movie THE HUNT lived up to its billing, or did it? While it stands as one of the good movies of 2020, its violence reduces the number of potential viewers with parental guidance advised.

THE HUNT is certainly a movie that would interest a lot of people who love hardcore thriller. For me, I loved it but still had several notable thoughts about the movie. I’ll start from the airplane scene, really? What was the usefulness of that scene to the movie? While it seemed to show what we were to expect in the movie, it didn’t really need to be there. From then we could say the story was lovely up to the point crystal met don and they went their merry way to hunt their captors.

Being in the military gives you so many skills but not the way crystal was portrayed. No emotion, and very cool enough not to get seriously hit by anyone of the hunters, and is it easier to shoot a target who is far off with a crossbow that one who is closer? So how did it happen that not one of all those who had been killing people from a far distance could even touch someone in close quarters?

The last scene is how it should be, the protagonist (Crystal) facing off the antagonist (Athena).
All in all, the movie was a good one. A story line that helps conspiracy theorists think again, your idea of a protagonist and antagonist might be all wrong.


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