
Choice is one of the few things I see as ultimate. From the moment we start thinking, our actions are determined by choice. Some people may actually refute this claim, but let’s look at it critically. 

A baby is crying because she wants to eat. The action (crying) is a choice made by the baby, knowing that the action would lead to something good (food). Some people would actually think that if a necessity, I am not disputing that. Take a look at this, the baby has a choice to refuse to acknowledge that he/she wants to eat at that time and could be playing with something else at that point but the baby most times decides to acknowledge that food is needed at that point in time and then heeds to the call.
Why am I talking about choice? Choice seems to be really underrated with people not knowing the power choice has. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes choice as the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities. Do you recall the example I gave, there was an action, which was likely to produce a certain result. I gave another possibility which can also produce another result. Since we find ourselves in different situations every day, our actions determine the result we get from those situations. These actions are spurned by the power of choice.

What about our needs? We want our needs to be satisfied, and that’s why I always saw want and need sometimes work together. For example, let’s look at our basic needs: Food, Clothing, and Shelter. These three are essential for living fine. The decision to satisfy these three needs is still down to the power of choice. One can decide he will eat to satisfy hunger, to get nutrients, to gain strength, and to gain other benefits; while one can also decide not to eat. The power of choice comes in play though the results may be different.

I feel choice is closely related to time in that it follows a continuous random sequence. Time is irreversible, choices are irreversible. My decision to write this piece was spurned by a choice to educate people on the power of choice. If I decide to delete this post, it is another choice taken. Your reading this post completely is spurned by your choice to finish reading the post. You can make a choice of stopping halfway. It’s your choice. It’s irreversible.
Some people talk about certain situations where they say they had no choice than to do this or that. That claim is not true. There is something to always do. To live or to die is a choice. To be hardworking or to be lazy is a choice. To eat or not to eat is a choice. Choices are always there for every action we want to take. You can also choose to believe all I’ve said today or to refute it, it’s your choice, but I think my decision to enlighten people about the power of choice is one choice I’m happy I followed. You all now have the choice to reply this post, like this post or unlike the post.
I’ll end today’s discuss with a small piece of advice on choice.

Make the choice to watch the choices you make. 


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