Stress Management

While I’m not a doctor or medical practitioner of any kind, there are some things I’ve could out through reading, listening and observations. I’ve learned about somethings that people experience that they don’t know about, or they know about but don’t understand properly, like today’s topic for example.

What is Stress

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc or something that cause feelings of worry or anxiety. The things that cause stress are called stressors. There are different types of stressors. They basically depend on what is experienced by the person. There are physical stressors, which affect the physical aspect of the body from body pains to bone ache, muscle pain etc. These pain experience could be as a result of the workload put on the body. Working the body too much for too long could cause this form of stress. It can make it hard for one to perform some basic operations later, causing muscle failure and others that can make a person impaired. There are also mental stressors. This one affects mental performance. It can cause the mind damage pushing it to the point of depression. A depressed person is mentally stressed, and that is why they say they’re just tired of everything. Their being tired might not be physical, it might just stem from a problem they are facing that is affecting them mentally. This problem would keep growing as they might not find a solution to it. It thus affect their way of interacting with others, killing their social verve gradually.
Stress can be good sometimes. It is good when it is not too high. This can serve as motivation to be more productive in any situation we find ourselves. It can help us push to meet a deadline or to achieve a goal. Too much push however, could be bad. As discussed earlier, stress could cause different things from physical pain, to mental pain.

How can we manage stress

While stress is normal in that we all undergo stress, it is important to know how to manage it. There are several things to do to cope with stress and stressors.

1. Take care of yourself. They say charity begins at home. Same can be done to manage stress. Take good care of what you take into your body. That is eating well, sleeping well, going on a run (exercise), regularly rest after serious work.

2. Discuss your feelings to others. You might be bottling up something that is causing you stress. Telling someone the problem either a doctor, or a close friend or family member can help them share your problem.

3. Be eager for change. Change of scenery, or change of thoughts can help deal with stress. You don’t need to take a stimulant that would make you forget your issues either alcohol or hard drugs, changing the mind can help to cope with stress

4. Manage your time. When you notice that you’re feeling stressed, you rest. Then check your schedule and look at how best you can reshuffle it to help you reduce the effect of stress.

5. Be proactive. When your stress is affecting your mind, being proactive can help you forget the worries that cause you stress. You can find something to do with the little time you have.

6. Go out. Take yourself out. Enjoy your company or the company of a friend. You can go to the movies to catch up on movies you’ve not seen. This can help reduce your stress as you feel other emotions that can reduce the feelings of stress.

7. Get a pet. Pets often light up our lives. They make us smile. Since smiling is a good way to reduce stress, having a pet is nice as it can make you smile when you observe the way they behave or when they come around to play with you.

8. Music. Listening to music is another way to reduce or cope with stress. You get relief listening to music some times and that’s why its important to always have our music on standby.

There are many other ways to reduce stress. These are just a few steps that can be taken. Remembering that stress is normal should be a driving force to you to know how to keep it normal and not allow it to from its normal state to an unhealthy state where it can affect one’s health.


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