From inception, the Supreme God, head of the universe said, "Let us make MAN in our own image.". This 'making' was an epochal invention in the calendar of God.

Everything God created was a hit, back to back. From the firmament to the stars, from the land to the seas and to the animals. Man, was not an exception- an awesome masterpiece from the master.

But, it is disheartening that in this 21st century, some men, though not all, in their lack of technical knowledge and intellectual foolishness take decisions to ruin the information that has been genetically and conceptually coded in them. And, this will cost them.

The issue of "Transgender" is a salient issue that must be addressed with so much alacrity before it aggravates to becoming an unremovable thorn in our flesh.

Let me create a window of understanding in this height of human perplexity.

Years ago, a British make-up artist, Jordan James, spent a whopping sum of 150 thousand dollars on cosmetic surgical procedures so that he can look like Kim Kardashian. Just because he took to likening her.

He undergone 50 surgeries; botox(medical injections used to treat wrinkles), lip and cheek fillers, eyebrow tattoos, laser hair removal and lots of other surgeries.

But, unfortunately, he was still the same. Nothing changed about him.

In a world where men are desperate to look like women. In a world where women are undergoing surgeries to look like men. In a world where men are walking down the isle with fellow men. In a world where animals are preferred and catered for over children.

In a society where couples are removing their rings to attend Singles Summit. In a society where singles are pretending to be married. In a society where the old are pretending to be young and the young ones are pretending to be old.

The race to be the exact replica of someone else is a race we can never win; no matter how fast we run it, or, how much effort we commit to it.

We loose our originality in this process, and most especially, our SANITY.- a complete trait of lunacy!

Where is our ORIGINALITY?  Where is our SANITY?

Lord, bring back our sanity! We pray.

AMUWO 'Femi Jnr.


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